Establishment Plan

This page outlines the process for getting the "Community Broadcasting Association of New Zealand" ("CBANZ") established.  The objective is to have a formally incorporated society to represent the interests of community broadcasters across New Zealand.

CBANZ will initially be established as an un-incorporated society, with an initial core of supporters, who have joined as individual members.  Effort will be made during this time to publicise the society in order to attract as many people involved with, or interested in, community broadcasting as possible to join.

An interim "Establishment Committee" will be appointed from the initial members, whose role is to manage the process of having the society incorporated.  The members of this committee will cease to hold office at the first General Meeting of the society following incorporation, when a regular executive committee will be elected according to the constitution that was agreed and adopted for incorporation. 

Prior to incorporation, the initial members will refine and agree a constitution (or set of rules to govern the operation of the society once it is incorporated). There is an initial proposed draft constitution available for review and discussion at  Please add discussion and comments here.

Once all significant issues over the constitution have been been resolved and there is widespread agreement over it, then a meeting or meetings of members can occur to formally approve the constitution and resolve to apply for incorporation.

The interim committee will then arrange to the society to be incorporated and will set the date for the first General Meeting.

The process of incorporating a society is described on the Societies register website here: